Financial Settlement


After a separation, the inevitable and often emotionally-taxing process of asset division between the separating parties needs to take place. Post-separation negotiations and discussions are often laden with emotion and become quarrelsome rather quickly which can lead to costly and elongated court battles that tend to exacerbate issues and prolong distress.

Family Mediation Online is here to help guide the discussions and negotiations between separating parties and work to ensure a fair and just outcome can be agreed to. Financial assets and property is understandably complex and difficult to split amicably without some form of compromise and healthy discussion, this is where our mediators come in.

Using our years of experience as family law specialists, we will mediate sessions and ensure both sides have their grievances heard, and work to give each side a fair and just result that all parties can agree to. We are obliged to act in the best interests of all parties and to facilitate discussion that will equate to an amenable conclusion.

If you’re ready to begin financial settlement discussions – get in touch with the Family Mediation Online team today!

The Considered Components

Financial settlement negotiations and mediations are not just for impending divorces, de facto relationships also qualify for financial settlement discussions. Couples who are romantically involved and have been living together domestically for more than 2 years are considered to be de facto. Similar to a marriage, de facto relationships have very similar legal rights to married couples.

The mediation process we employ will cover certain criteria and the Family Mediation Online professionals will examine:

  • Direct financial contributions made by each party (this includes salaries, wages etc.)
  • Indirect financial contributions made by each party (this can include inheritances etc.)
  • Assessment of non-financial contributions made in the relationship (this can include chore responsibilities, childcare contributions etc.)
  • Collating future requirements regarding general health, age factors, financial wellbeing, security, and elements involved with any children involved.

Further Considerations

Other factors may be relevant when discussing financial settlements and mediation.

These can include:

Superannuation is not a traditional asset in family law contexts. Couples are typically given more flexibility and autonomy in discussing and deciding on what method they use for splitting superannuation payments.

Property Adjustments
Property adjustments must be processed within a certain time after the split has been made official. For divorced couples, a property adjustment should be applied for within 12 months of the official divorce date. De facto couples have slightly longer and can loge a property adjustment within 24 months of the breakdown of the relationship.

If you wish to have Family Mediation Online conduct your financial settlement sessions – or if you have any questions about your upcoming mediation session – don’t hesitate, get in touch with us today.