Will Dispute


When a loved one passes on, the last thing anyone wants to deal with is disputes and disagreements regarding their last will and testament. Unfortunately, will disputes can occur between conflicting parties which can lead to long-lasting litigious battles.

One way of avoiding costly court cases is through will dispute mediation. Whether you’re contesting or defending a will, Family Mediation Online can assist in facilitating and encouraging meaningful discussion and avoid costly courtroom processes.

Giving all parties an opportunity to negotiate with an objective third-party allows for a more concise understanding of all sides of a will dispute – and has a much stronger chance at bringing a conclusion that is agreeable for everyone.

Are you currently contesting or defending a Will? Get in touch and secure our services today!

Why Is Estate Mediation A Meaningful Alternative?

Will and estate contestation is surprisingly common in families across the country with most contests stemming from a disparity in bequeathments or exclusion of certain family members. Naturally, this brings a lot of tension and animosity to proceedings as finances and asset division is often emotionally charged and subjective.

Lengthy court battles can exacerbate hostilities between combative parties and cause longer-term repercussions in the family dynamic. Mediation is the healthier and logical alternative to courtroom dramas and with the right mediator, it can save time, money, and family ties. The main intention behind will and estate mediation is to have all parties agree to a compromised outcome where everyone walks away feeling justified.

Depending on the parties and the scope of the estate being contested – mediation could only require a single session to reach an amenable solution. If all parties agree to an outcome, this can then be drafted and officiated at a later date.

A Rundown Of The Process

If there is a will dispute, the first move is typically to consult a mediation service like Family Mediation Online. We’ll then contact the other party or parties and establish their consent and willingness to participate. The main issues from all parties will then be recorded down and tabled for discussion.

Once the process begins, the choice of mediator is made by the disputing parties. After this, the negotiation begins. Throughout sessions, parties will have the opportunity to express their viewpoints, and the mediator will maintain the direction of the discussion to encourage compromise and understanding from all sides.

If a settlement is reached and agreed to, parties will then consent and sign an arrangement. However, if a settlement is not reached, alternative methods can be attempted, in some cases there is credence for re-attempting at a later date.

Benefits of Online Will Dispute Mediation

There are a number of benefits to online mediation – whether it be for will disputes, or indeed any dispute.

It’s more cost-effective and time-efficient than traditional courtroom appeals. Settlements are often more balanced than court rulings as well which typically end with one side winning the course. Proceedings are usually more informal than in the courts and allow all parties to have more time to discuss and compromise with one another.

Mediation has a track-record of success, and the fact that our services are online means that more flexibility is afforded to parties involved and everyone can enter discussions from the comfort of their home or office.

The process retains confidentiality which means discussions in mediation sessions cannot be used later in court.

If you’re in need of professional and trusted mediation services – don’t hesitate, get in touch with Family Mediation Online today.